Have you been trying to recruit those critical roles for longer than expected? Have the volume and calibre of candidates applying for your positions decreased? Don't worry; you are not alone. It is a UK-wide problem. The Scottish Government's most recent economic brief (March 2022) had this to say :

Scotland's labour market has continued to perform strongly, with unemployment falling to 3.8% from November to January, while the payroll employee level rose sharply to 34,000 above its pre-pandemic level. High vacancy rates and recruitment challenges persist in February and March, creating upward pressure on starting salaries and average earnings growth.

Skilled employees are hard to find, and wage inflation is rife, so what can you do about it?
As recruiters living and breathing in the employment marketplace, we know what candidates are looking for and what makes them turn down or accept job offers.
Here are some ideas we share with clients to support them through the hiring process.

What you need to start doing
Act fast. Move quickly on your decision-making process because other employers are sweeping candidates off their feet.
Start publishing salary and benefits on your adverts – this will attract only those who can work for the salary/benefits you offer.
Where possible, offer flexibility regarding remote working/ hours of work.
Offer benefits other than the standard ones, such as bonuses, company vouchers, childcare, and gym membership.
A flexible benefits package is very attractive.
Build a relationship with candidates through the process, communication is critical here.
Treat your potential employees as if they were your most important customer.
Put your best foot forward in the interview process, you are selling your business, role, and you – people buy from people. Candidates will buy into the interview team, if they feel an affinity with you and your team, they are more likely to accept your offer.

What you need to stop doing
Push back start dates, get them started as soon as you and they can
Take time to make offers if you know they are good, but the offer is across as soon as possible.
Withholding feedback
Taking time in the recruitment process and overburdening with additional stages makes it slick and quick.
Go into a communication black hole. Keep talking to candidates, engage them, talk them through the process, ask questions, and keep them interested.
Assuming your candidate is only talking to you as a potential employer, they will be active and speaking to others.
Make them the lowest possible offer you think you can get away with, and delight candidates at the offer stage.

The small changes you make, make a significant difference in the candidate's final decision. Happy recruiting!