As recruiters, we speak to candidates daily, and one of the reasons they want to leave their current role is that they are oversold the job.
It's no secret that one of the results of the pandemic has been a candidate shortage. Finding and retaining talent in most sectors has been challenging, but some more than others.

What do companies do to fight off competition, they have to increasingly make the roles more appealing and attractive. To do this, some may rely solely on their brand, offering benefits and attractive salaries or simply promising things they can't deliver. Offering progression routes that aren't available, offering flexible or remote working when there isn't that option or having different or extra responsibilities than what was agreed.
This leaves your new employee feeling deflated, unmotivated and a little hopeless. They will feel lied to, betrayed and hopeless, wondering what to do next, do they suck it up and stay or leave. They won't be committed to the company, which opens up the potential risk of leaving. For employers, people leaving like this exposes them to criticism, damages brand values, provokes more desperation to fill a role and the costs to rehire continues to increase.

Some companies may use multiple agencies at the same time. Our advice is don't! We understand that to a hiring manager, it is the best option as it widens the candidate pool. However, this does nothing but ensure they don't get the best out of their recruiters. The fastest-finger, only wins sometimes and might produces gold candidates. It's the sloppiest way to recruit.
More importantly, it raises red flags for prospective employees. Think about it this way. What is your first thought when you see a house that has been on the market for a while with multiple agencies? "What's wrong with that house?", "why has it not been sold yet?" same rules apply.

Our advice here would be to use one agency that specialises in your industry and use them as a sounding board for their knowledge of the market and their candidates' ability. Good recruiters get to know their candidates and clients on a deeper level and see themselves as an extension of them.
Choosing a good recruiter can save your company a lot of time, effort and money by helping to avoid hiring errors early, overselling and high turnovers.